There are a extremely large amount of buzz words, acronyms, concepts, nouns and adjectives binding us to the tech world. But how do you keep up?
This blog piece aims to be a compendium/glossary of sorts, with a large and ever growing list of these terms with short explanations with links to further resources if applicable. Also a mini game to come for testing purposes if you want 🔥
- REST: Representational State Transfer.A set of architectural constraints that can be set on API. Which would make the API RESTful if followed correctly. See RESTFUL for more.
- API: Application Programming Interface. The contract between info-provider and info-user. Think of your database/backend as locked box, the API has host of conditions which if filled will give you something from the box or do something to the box depending on what is asked and if security checks and more are passed. Like a cashier and bouncer rolled into one.
- ORM: Object-relational mapping (ORM). Effectively aligns programming code with the relational database structure, generally server-side. Utilizing metadata they generally allow the developer to write queries etc. in their preferred language. Almost guaranteeing type safety and also possibly allowing for easy database migrations as the schema’s created and/or generated for the ORM can be used again. See example: which I actually use on my personal blog to over-engineer 🙂
- SOLID: An acronym used in software engineering to remember and explain 5 software engineering principles. Standing for, Single-responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion principles. I have a separate article going into these in greater detail.
- RE-RENDER vs RE-MOUNT: Effectively re-render, is simply the updating on the internal component with it’s changed properties/state. This means it remains in the virtual dom, but the components render function is called to display the new information. Re-mount, would be to remove and then add back in the component to the virtual dom tree, new props and state in tow. This is more exhaustive that a re-render [React].
- VIRTUAL DOM: The React Virtual DOM is a giant object, full of all the components to render, with their props and children etc. This virtual DOM is compared with the real DOM, it compares them and the makes updates accordingly (extremely simplified) [React].